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Monday, May 12, 2008

I've Been Spoiled

In case you didn't notice, yesterday was Mother's Day. It also nicely coincided with the Stimulus Checks. I don't think I've ever been so spoiled. The kid's made me cards, but I also got Dance Dance Revolution (ok, I got that one early, a few weeks ago. I love it and if I hadn't been sick for over a week, it would have got a lot more use) with two pads. I got a dinner at Olive Garden. I got a bunch of new beads from Fire Mountain Gems (love that place!). I got a new makeup container. It's a caboodle. Can you believe those things are still around? They are much cuter now. Although I just went to their website and apparently my generation is suffering from a bad case of nostalgia because they "offer the classic plastic cosmetic organizers from the '80s in sizzling hot colors." Hopeful, caboodles will not be followed by the return of the '80s bangs. I can't take that much nostalgia. I also got some gift certificates to See's, some makeup brushes (score! maybe it will help with my sadly lacking makeup application skills. I don't know why with my artistic nature, I'm not better at it), and Stephenie Meyer's new book, The Host, which I read yesterday while I spent most of the day in bed with the worst migraine of my life. The headache was bad, the book was very interesting. Not the kind of cult classic that Twilight is (by the way, I saw the movie teaser trailer and I'm willing to just skip to Dec 18 right now), but still better written than Twilight and extremely interesting characters and plot. Despite the migraine, I had a wonderful Mother's Day.

Oh yeah, and my new computer comes today too.
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