This is Maxton, had to have his smile artificially put on by his daddy. I love this Basic Grey paper. Oragne and gray, I heart you. I cut the "smile" out freehand, since this was from the time I forgot my Cricut cord. Maybe it was a case of serendipity after all?

This is an older one, done at an Expo crop about 18 months ago. I love the quilling on this one. I believe it was one for my article for Scrapbook Trends, but it's been so long, I hope it's ok to share it here now. Can't remember who makes the paper, but the zig zag rub ons are American Crafts and the cardstock is all Bazzill. Acrylic letters are KI Memories. Thanks to my sis for taking those awesome shots. :) We should probably do that again, they are almost two years old.

I'm going cropping on Friday, so hopefully I will have lots of new stuff to share next week. I'm excited!
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