We went for a well check up last Wednesday. Silly goof has lost weight. I'm actually really worried about it. He's only in the 8th percentile for weight and the 55th for height. It's hard to give him high calorie food because of his milk allergy, so yogurt, cheese, milk all out. He does drink soy formula, so that's good. And we are trying to get him to eat more high calorie foods, so hopefully he will grow out of it and start gaining some weight.

I've started a new blog: Come follow my crafting adventures on my new blog. Find me at: creativeirony.com.
So, I saw your layout of Maxton in Creating Keepsakes today... :) Congrats, hurray for you and your accomplishments. (I thought it should have placed in the HOF but, it's still neat that it caught their eye!)